Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally, pictures!

 Here is Hereswith in progress. She is completely needlefelted over an armature. She will be dressed in 12th C garments. Her headpiece is a single vertebrae found hiking one spring.
 Map Envelope.
 Opened to reveal two completed and waxed maps.
 The Map of the Region which Hereswith is familiar with ( Iris is too, but this is Hereswith's blog).
 Map of Holy Island where Hereswith lives with Iris.
 Front cover of paperbag journal. It is a kind of experimental encaustic process. Bits of old crayons melted on a griddle found at a thrift store then the paper is placed when the colors are melding just right. Fine India ink adds detail. The grasses are scratched in with an exacto knife.
 Opened to reveal pages. Sorry, it's upside down, but since there is no text yet, I guess it doesn't matter.
 Note the paper bag opened ... a nice hidey place for flattish treasures found along the way.
 Another wide open place for treasures.
This page has a pocket. The black circle holds the striped triangle. There will be a story about shapes and their sacred meaning.

More to come. For now I must go stand watch for my two guys who have been travelling for 14 hours now. Soon.... please... safe and sound. It is nearly 2:30 am so hopefully we'll all be tucked in bed very soon. A sleeping in Sunday morning for we three for sure.

More to come...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Original musings

Our Travelling Artists Guild are convening for another journey.  There is much to do to prepare. I am behind my own schedule and still have other tasks to complete for the "here and now" place where I live in the present. But one must always be ready to heed the call to convene and journey with the Guild artists. New artists have joined us elders so there will be mentoring to perform as well as my own duties to attend to. One needs to hustle to the studio for now. Follow, if you dare. You are always welcome.